Contents: Per Norgesic tab Orphenadrine citrate 35 mg, paracetamol 450 mg. Per Norgesic Forte tab Orphenadrine citrate 50 mg, paracetamol 650 mg Indications / Uses: Painful skeletal muscle spasm associated w/ chronic low back pain, sprains & strains, prolapsed intervertebral disc, muscle injury, non-articular rheumatism, whiplash injury, acute torticollis, tension headache, dysmenorrhea & other painful muscular conditions.
Availability: In stock
Special Precautions: Cardiac arrhythmias, tachycardia, cardiac decompensation, coronary insufficiency. Monitor blood, urine & liver function w/ prolonged use. May impair the ability to drive or operate machinery. Pregnancy. Side Effects / Adverse Reactions: Nausea, dry mouth, blurred vision, dizziness & restlessness. Drowsiness, rarely. Dosage / Direction for Use: Norgesic 1-2 tab tid. Norgesic Forte 1 tab tid. Max: 2 tab tid.
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