Contents: Paracetamol Indications / Uses: Fever, headache, muscular aches & pain, toothache, colds, ear ache, fever due to tonsillectomy, inoculations & vaccinations.
Availability: In stock
Special Precautions: Renal or hepatic disease, CV or hematological disorders. Monitor patients if fever persists >3 days (72 hr) or pain continues >5 days. Pregnancy & lactation. Side Effects / Adverse Reactions: Skin rashes, other allergic reactions. Dosage / Direction for Use: Tab Adult 1-2 tab. Childn 6-12 yr ½-1 tab. Forte tab Adult 1-2 tab. Syr Childn 6-12 yr 2-4 tsp, 1-5 yr 1-2 tsp, 3 mth-1 yr ½-1 tsp. Forte syr Childn ≥13 yr 2-3 tsp, 6-12 yr 1-2 tsp, 1-5 yr ½-1 tsp. Drops 3 mth-1 yr 0.6-1.2 mL, <3 mth 10 mg/kg body wt. All doses to be taken tid-qid.
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